Step Up And Pay The Price (Part 4)

Five hours later I finished paintball. Tons of fun! Never tried it before but will definitely do it again.

So where were we?  Oh yes, the conclusion of Step Up And Pay The Price. IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME READING MY BLOG, please start from Part 1(the entry dated 3/23/11) for this entry to make sense.

Here we go...

There is a price for love and trust...
and a price for fear and hate

Even in business, what is the price for love and trust - the risk of vulnerability, pain, loss, - financial, emotional, and even physical. We have all been there - whether its an employee who disappoints or a partner (business or otherwise) who breaks your trust. But do we stop loving or trusting?

If the option is fear and hate, where does that lead - loneliness, poor relationships with friends, family, employees, partners? Over and above that, one who lives with fear and hate sacrifices their personal and ultimately business growth - their whole world gets smaller.

The price for fear and hate...well if you spend your life fearing and hating, the biggest victim is you. From my experience, fear is the single largest limiter of growth - personally, professionally, emotionally. We all have our own fears...the key is to manage them. How? By taking small steps out of our comfort zone. One small step at a time.

I know someone who is one of the most driven, talented people in their field. I keep hoping , one day, that this person lives up to their potential. If only the individual could manage the fear that causes them to go on the offense ... if only... they could achieve sooooo much. I see this time and again. Often I "push" people to step out of their comfort zone. Few ever do.

That's why I enjoy my friendships with entrepreneurs - most of them spend their days stretching their horizons.

Fine - love and trust can occasionally have some painful consequences but the benefit is PERSONAL GROWTH - from experiences, relationships, opportunities, and more meaningful connections.


There is a price to pay for education...

There is a price to pay for ignorance...

There is a price to pay for good health...

And a price for sickness and disease.

There is a price to pay for attending to relationships...

And a price to pay for neglecting them.

There is a price for love and trust...

And a price to pay for fear and hate.

We cannot choose whether or not we will pay...

We can only choose for what. 

Either way, you will have to Step Up and Pay The Price.

Thanks for reading this series.
Next week - lets talk about electronic media.


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