Compared To What?
As I write my weekly blog, I look back and think, what were the interesting things that happened this week. Reflecting on the week, the thought that jumps out at me is: compared to what?
Research from Harvard University is credited with this: whats your BATNA - Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement. I look at most situations and I go through this thinking process:
What is my current situation?
What's my goal?
What's the best alternative?
Then I make a decision.
At least I have factored in the choices available to me at the time. Surprising how many people never do that.
And yes, there is an opportunity cost for everything...wether it be time, dollars, mindspace, passion, life balance, etc...many of us just never look up to compare.
Which reminds me of one of my favorite poems (I have tried to find the author but can't seem to):
It appears that I spent a lot of last week asking compared to what? - trying to help myself and others see the forest from the trees. What do I mean?
Sometimes, we are so focused on drilling down to the details of a situation that we forget to look up and ask, "in relation to what?" or "whats my best alternative?" Only by asking that do we put our opportunities, and opportunity costs into the appropriate decision framework.
Research from Harvard University is credited with this: whats your BATNA - Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement. I look at most situations and I go through this thinking process:
What is my current situation?
What's my goal?
What's the best alternative?
Then I make a decision.
At least I have factored in the choices available to me at the time. Surprising how many people never do that.
And yes, there is an opportunity cost for everything...wether it be time, dollars, mindspace, passion, life balance, etc...many of us just never look up to compare.
Which reminds me of one of my favorite poems (I have tried to find the author but can't seem to):
Step Up And Pay The Price
There is a price to pay for education...
There is a price to pay for ignorance...
There is a price to pay for good health...
And a price for sickness and disease.
There is a price to pay for attending to relationships...
And a price to pay for neglecting them.
There is a price for love and trust...
And a price to pay for fear and hate.
We cannot choose whether or not we will pay...
We can only choose for what.
Hence I found myself asking this question a lot this week: Compared to What?