Leadership Void

Early on in my career, one of my business partners once told me:

Whenever someone offers you a leadership opportunity, take it!

I did not really comprehend at the time but, more so than ever, I now realize what he meant. Leadership skills are such a rare talent nowadays (many think they have it, I would guesstimate that less than 5% of the people I meet actually do) - and you can't really learn it from just reading, you have to practice it.

To this day, I volunteer for many roles and activities to try and improve my skills. And to me, true leadership involves different approaches depending on the place and situation. And, If I had to start my career over again, I would:

Seek out good mentors - people I can trust to show me the right and the wrong but also pat me on the back or hold my feet to the fire if need be. This is why choosing who to work for/with is so important early on in one's carer - because these mentors usually come from your place of work.

Volunteer for leadership opportunities - you get out of life what you put in.

I guess the same goes, not just in leadership, but in many things in life - to know the road ahead, ask those coming back.

Leadership StylePower Difference Index - s
copied from http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadstl.html; study done by Geert Hofstede, Netherlands


Anonymous said…
Great post, I would also add - if you see a gap/opportunity that requires leadership, take it.
Paolo Kalaw said…

A mentor early on in my career kept reminding me of that: when you see a leadership opportunity, take it!

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